Frequently Asked Question

My frame-rates are low
Last Updated 2 years ago

For best results, we recommend you have a graphics card that's either an Nvidia GeForce xx50 or better, or the AMD\Radeon equivalent.

Regarding NVidia cards, the 2nd to last digit in the model is the most significant. A 980 card will outperform a 1020 card. If you want to use full shadows in the sim, you must have a decent card. A 960, 1060, 1660, 2060 card will do quite well with Run8 V3, and if you can hack it, an xx70 series will excel at rendering the sim.

For low-end graphics cards, if changing your card is not an option, the best you can do is to disable Shadows in the Graphics Menu. This should help quite a bit. We also suggest capping your frame-rates at 20 or 30, and setting the Reflections value to "Low".

You can run V3 on a laptop with an old Intel HD4400 chip provided you follow the above instructions, but please realize you won't get any better than about 20-30 fps.

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