Frequently Asked Question

Last Updated 2 years ago

Starting with Update09, Run8 V3 will be updated using the Run8 Updater App. The app can be downloaded from our website's Updates page. Simply run the app-installer real quick and it will place the Updater App in your V3 folder.

FOR UPDATE09: You will need to run the Updater App manually in order to get Update09. After Update09, V3's Main Menu will notify you if a new update is available. Go to your V3 folder and double-click the "Run8_Updater.exe" to start the updater.

We will no longer offer an update installer, as it was becoming too large (400+mb) and everyone had to download it after each update. The new Updater App checks the updated files against the files currently installed on your computer, and only downloads the files necessary to bring your V3 up to date.

The Updater App's exe must be located in the same place as V3's exe, typically:

c:\Run8Studios\Run8 Train Simulator V3

The app can be run by double-clicking its icon like any other Windows program, OR, by clicking the "Update Available" button in V3's main menu when shown.

The Update Available Button will show when necessary in the Main Menu where the version information is normally displayed. Pressing this button causes V3 to close and the Run8 Updater App to start.

The app is a simple Windows Console application, and it will display status messages during the process. Depending on how out-of-date your sim is, the process may take only a few moments or could take several minutes, depending on the number of files the sim needs to download from our server.

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